How to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease with Acupuncture?


Imagine if there is one day that your parent forgot who you are, even you become a stranger in their eye, what should you do? That may be a sign of Alzheimer’s Disease or early-onset dementia.  Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the elderly, which can lead to memory loss and cognitive problems.


At present, the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease is not clear in the medical field, and the drugs used for treatment can only improve the symptoms and cannot be completely cured. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and Acupuncture is a very effective and safe alternative treatment. This article will explain that the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with TCM and Acupuncture has a positive effect on brain activity and helps to relieve the symptoms of dementia.


What is Alzheimer’s Disease?


3 stages of alzheimer's


Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also known as dementia, is a chronic and degenerative brain disorder. It breaks down and destroys brain cells and the neurons that connect brain cells to one another. This damage causes a decline in memory, behavior, and mental capabilities. The first signs of dementia occur due to changes in brain cell function and initially affect the part of the brain that learns new information and remembers it. While medical science has not conclusively discovered what exactly causes Alzheimer’s dementia, it is believed to be related to protein deposits called “plaques” and “tangles” developing in the brain, disrupting the communication between the brain cells and damaging nerves.


It is estimated that nearly 40 million people mostly older than 60 years have dementia worldwide, and this figure is projected to reach over 115 million by 2050, and making it one of the most threat to elderly health. Presently, there are still no treatments available to slow down or stop the damage and destruction of neurons and disease progression effectively, although the current medications used to treat AD are able to alleviate the symptoms. While TCM and Acupuncture treatment may significantly improve the ability of daily living and cognitive function of patients with AD.


Acupuncture activates brain parts


According to TCM theory, the brain and the kidneys are closely related; the kidneys nourish the brain. If there is weakness or deficiency of Qi in the kidneys, it can lead to symptoms like dizziness, confusion, amnesia and memory problems. Acupuncture treatment and the use of specific Chinese herb formulae can work as an effective and safe adjunctive treatment.


In recent years, more and more evidence has shown that acupuncture on specific acupoints can activate different parts of the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and cingulate gyrus of the brain, regulate the cerebral blood flow of Alzheimer’s patients, strengthen hippocampal connections, enhance the brain activity of patients, and improve recognition,helping to improve the cognitive function that can be lost to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some studies have actually seen better results in patients receiving TCM treatments over conventional medication therapies for dementia and Alzheimer’s.


TCM Dementia expert by your side





It can be painful to watch a loved one struggling with dementia caused by AD. SHANGHAI Medical Clinic suggest that it is best to initiate treatment for dementia as soon as it becomes apparent, so that we can help to limit the progress of cognitive decline. At the Clinic, our dementia expert with over 30 years of clinical experience can help patients with neurological conditions of all kinds, and we provide a holistic way to treat each individual, so that they can continue to live a full, active life.



6 tips for preventing Alzheimer’s disease 


There is a long way to go before we could find the way to treat Alzheimer’s and dementia, but we do have approaches that can change the brain and improve overall functioning. SHANGHAI Medical Clinic in Dubai encourages all adults to adopt six habits of healthy aging which is alos home remedies for memory loss. These steps, combined with regular care from Chinese medicine and Acupuncture, can help lower your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia or reduce their effects. 


(1)  Heart-healthy diet

A diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can improve blood flow to the brain. Try to avoid too much sugar, salt (sodium), red meat and full-fat dairy products.


(2)  Exercise

Like a heart-healthy diet, exercise can also help improve brain health by increasing blood flow. Dr. Isenberg recommends 30 minutes of exercise five days a week.


(3)  Sleep

Insomnia and sleep apnea may lead to dementia, which means it’s important to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.


(4)  Lifelong learning

Continuing to challenge your mind with new activities and hobbies can help keep your brain sharp. Getting involved in community events or volunteer opportunities can also help stimulate you mind and ward off dementia.


(5)  Positive outlook

Focusing on positive aspects of aging can help promote resilience. Lack of resilience may increase the possibility of substance abuse or mental health conditions, both of which contribute to the risk of dementia.


(6)  Social connections

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new attention to the dementia-related contributors of loneliness, making it even more important to maintain connections with family and friends. A quick phone call or afternoon video chat can go a long way to boost your mood and your brain health.

Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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