How to Boost Fertility in Your 30s


Many women, especially those over the age of 38, have low natural pregnancy rates or may even be infertile. They are seeking alternative treatments to improve fertility. While artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization have shown some success in treating infertility, their high complexity, cost, and low efficacy have led to a growing demand for alternative medical therapies. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has the significant advantage of clinical practice, having accumulated valuable experience through both ancient and modern times. Therefore, many people are trying TCM as a natural therapy to treat infertility.


How does TCM view the treatment of infertility?


It is well known that a woman’s fertility is closely related to her age, a concept clearly articulated as early as the “Huangdi Neijing”: “At the age of 14, the heavenly Gui arrives, the Ren and Chong meridians flourish, menstruation begins, and a woman can conceive.” A woman’s reproductive function matures, flourishes, and then gradually declines. For women over the age of 38, although they may have a normal menstrual cycle, the heavenly Gui gradually depletes, and the Qi and blood of the Chong and Ren meridians decrease, leading to ovarian decline.


In TCM, this is primarily related to the heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys, especially the kidneys. The kidneys govern reproduction and store essence. When kidney Qi is abundant, menstrual blood is sufficient, and the heavenly Gui arrives, conception can occur when the essences of both partners meet. Thus, infertility is closely related to the kidneys. However, the spleen and stomach are the sources of postnatal Qi and blood production. If spleen Qi is weak, kidney essence and liver blood will be insufficient, leading to an empty Chong and Ren meridians and an inability to conceive.


TCM treatment for infertility in women over 38 focuses on warming the spleen and kidneys, nourishing essence and blood, soothing the liver, regulating Qi, and harmonizing the blood of the Chong and Ren meridians to eliminate menstrual disorders and enable conception.


  • TCM’s understanding of the female physiological cycle

Normal menstruation reflects reproductive function. From the perspective of the Yin-Yang theory, the menstrual cycle is a process of waxing and waning Yin and Yang. The beginning of the menstrual cycle marks the start of Yin’s growth, which peaks after half a month, then Yang begins to grow. Yang grows for another half month, reaching its peak and completing the cycle. Therefore, a normal menstrual cycle can be divided into four stages: post-menstrual phase (Yin grows, Yang wanes), ovulation phase (Yin peaks, Yang starts to grow), pre-menstrual phase (Yang grows, Yin wanes), and menstrual phase (Yang peaks, Yin starts to grow). TCM treatment for infertility should align with these Yin-Yang transitions to follow the physiological rhythm of women.


  • Characteristics of women over 38 and their infertility in TCM

After the age of 38, women’s kidney function rapidly declines, and ovarian reserves often become insufficient, commonly presenting with kidney deficiency, liver and kidney Yin deficiency, or spleen and kidney Yang deficiency. Infertility can lead to emotional disturbances like depression and irritability, often accompanied by liver Qi stagnation and blood stasis. Clinically, this often manifests as menstrual irregularities, backache, fatigue, difficulty conceiving, or frequent miscarriages.


Deficiency syndromes often result from liver and kidney Yin deficiency, with insufficient blood in the Chong and Ren meridians and immature eggs, usually presenting as early menstruation. Excess syndromes often stem from cold congealing the uterus, blood stasis, phlegm dampness obstructing Qi, hindering ovulation, and manifesting as delayed menstruation. Thus, TCM treatment for infertility in women over 38 should follow its Yin-Yang physiological rules, strengthening the functions of the liver, spleen, kidneys, and heart to improve egg quality and increase the success rate of pregnancy.


TCM herbs for treating infertility in women over 38






TCM Menstrual Cycle Therapy for Infertility


For women over 38, TCM menstrual cycle therapy includes:


  • Post-menstrual phase: Nourish kidney Yin, nourish liver blood.
  • Intermenstrual phase: Warm the kidneys and assist Yang, regulate Qi and blood, promote Yin-Yang transformation.
  • Pre-menstrual phase: Moderately supplement kidney Qi, harmonize Qi and blood.
  • Menstrual phase: Soothe the liver and regulate Qi, harmonize blood, and regulate menstruation.

Women rely on blood as their basis, which is used during menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth, often leading to blood deficiency and Qi depletion. The TCM menstrual cycle treatment emphasizes nourishing kidney Yin and blood to promote ovarian development; warming kidney Yang and regulating blood to promote near ovulation; warming kidney Qi and regulating blood to promote corpus luteum formation; and soothing the liver and regulating Qi to normalize menstruation. This approach aims to improve ovarian function and egg quantity and quality in women over 38.


    2. Herbal Medicine for Treating Infertility in Women Over 38


  • Post-menstrual phase (pre-ovulation): Nourish the liver and kidneys, cool the blood.

Herbs include Rehmannia, Cornus, Dioscorea , Ligustrum, Eclipta,White Peony, Angelica, Moutan, Poria, Alisma, Honey-fried Licorice, Adjust with Ophiopogon, Gardenia, Anemarrhena, Red Peony as needed.


  • Pre-menstrual phase (post-ovulation): Warm kidney Yang, regulate blood, strengthen Chong meridian.

Herbs include Angelica, White Peony, Red Peony, Salvia, Leonurus, Cuscuta, Morinda,

Cinnamon, Epimedium, Honey-fried Licorice, Adjust with Dipsacus, Ligusticum as needed.


The basic formula adjusted according to the phases of menstrual cycle


Herbs include Astragalus, Angelica, Poria, Codonopsis, Prepared Rehmannia,White Peony, Citrus Peel, Amomum, Epimedium, Morinda, Cinnamon, Licorice.




  • Pre-menstrual phase: Add Cuscuta, Eucommia, and Dipsacus
  • Menstrual phase: No medication
  • Post-menstrual phase: Increase Rehmannia and White Peony dosage, add Hawthorn, Gizzard lining
  • Ovulation phase: Add Peach Kernel, Safflower, Leonurus, Achyranthes

The formula emphasizes tonifying the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and transforming dampness, nourishing blood, warming the uterus, and enhancing prenatal and postnatal foundations. During ovulation, it focuses on promoting blood circulation to enhance the therapeutic effects on infertility and significantly improve conception rates, particularly for ovulatory disorders.


The formula for Kidney Yang Deficiency Ovulatory Disorder Infertility:


Herbs includes Epimedium, Zircon, Cuscuta, Angelica, Ligusticum, Red Peony, Salvia, Spatholobus, Cyperus and Raw Licorice.




  • Menstrual phase (days 1-5): Emphasize Red Peony, Salvia.
  • Post-menstrual phase (days 5-14): Focus on nourishing Yin and blood, with emphasis on Cuscuta for follicular development and endometrial thickening.
  • Ovulation phase: Focus on regulating Qi and promoting blood circulation, with emphasis on Red Peony, Salvia, and Cyperus.
  • Pre-menstrual phase: Promote corpus luteum formation.

This formula is tailored for those with kidney Yang deficiency, where a cold in the uterus and poor blood circulation lead to ovulatory disorders. It primarily focuses on warming kidney Yang and regulating Qi and blood to assist follicular development and facilitate smooth ovulation, thereby increasing the success rate of pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a challenging journey for women. TCM, with its millennia-long history, is one of the natural ways to achieve a healthier pregnancy. If you are looking for a nearby TCM clinic to treat infertility, Shanghai Medical Clinic, a Chinese medicine clinic in Dubai, has years of experience specializing in infertility treatments and efforts to improve fertility in both women and men. Book an appointment now to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy with us!


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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
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