How Chinese Herbs Can Help With 6 Types of Insomnia ?


Sleeplessness can be one of torturing things for most of people. There are many potential reasons for insomnia. According to traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), Chinese herbs and acupressure therapy offer natural remedies for insomnia. In the following, we provide you 6 quick remedies to help sleep better.


Conditions 1:  Excessive dreaming, nightmares


This type of person belongs to the depleted type. When laying in bed, they feel half asleep and half awake all the night, leading to lack of energy during the day, forgetfulness, inattentions, and even palpitation.


red dates

In treatment, the focus mainly rests on nourishing blood and calming the nerves. It is recommended to take such Chinese patent medicines as Anshen Dingzhi Pills and Shensong Yangxin Capsules. In diet, Jujube(red dates) is good for blood-enriching. Besides, it may try Baimai Anshen Tea.


The method is to take appropriate amount of wheat, lily, lotus seed meat, and jujube and stew them together. Even stew twice, take the juice, and drink it at any time.


Conditions 2:  Difficulty falling asleep


Such people belong to the type of liver stagnation and qi stagnation. They may feel distended and painful in the chest and flank. In treatment, it mainly focuses on soothing the liver and relieving depression. It is recommened to eat more foods such as millet and longan meat.



In addition, it need to promote mental health and relieve stress and tension. It is best to soak your feet in hot water before going to bed.

Conditions 3:  Waking up early, restless sleep, frequently awakening until dawn


Usually it is accompanied by the symptoms of dry throat, dry mouth, acne, and night sweats. This type of person belongs to the blood-warming type. It may try to massage these points:


Neiguan (three fingers pressing the wrist, the innermost center point), Shenmen (the palm side of the wrist joint, the depression on the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon), the back Xi (the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint behind the ulnar).


shenmen acupoint

In addition, there is a magical acupoint in the human body – the insomnia point.


insomnia- point

It is located on the heel of the sole of the foot. That is at the intersection of the midline of the sole of the foot and the line connecting the inner and outer ankle tips. It is mainly used for insomnia and sole pain. It is massaged 100 times a day, with soreness as the degree.


Another way to help relieve the condition is to eat more foods such as lotus root, locust flower, mung bean, coix seed, rock sugar pomelo, etc. Besides, soaking in water with raw rehmannia and rock sugar instead of tea also has a good effect.


Conditions 4:  “Half-sleep” and “Half-awake”


These people belong to the type of spleen and stomach disharmony. They were restless sleep all the night and feel greasy, light mouth, anorexia, and unformed stool.



The treatment is mainly to strengthen thestomach and spleen and soothe the nerves. In diet, lotus seed and lily glutinous rice porridge is good healing food.


The practice is to boil millet, lotus seeds and lily into porridge with an appropriate amount of water. The boiled porridge tastes light and sweet. It is not only to nourish the heart and calm the mind, but also a healthy food for poor sleep.


Conditions 5:  Difficulty falling asleep 


These people belong to the heart-fire type. It is mostly caused by anger and depression, which commonly happen in menopausal women. Its symptoms incldues irritability, red eyes, bitter mouth, dry stool, red tongue and yellow coating. The treatment is mainly to clear away heat and purify fire.



For women with neurasthenia, palpitations, insomnia, dreams, and dark circles under the eyes, Suanzaoren porridge is suitable for these sympstoms.


The practice is: mash 50 grams of sour jujube seeds and extract the juice, use 100 grams of japonica rice and add juice to cook into porridge, eat it every night before going to bed, it can nourish the heart, soothe the nerves, and stop sweating. In addition, rose tea is also remedy for improving sleep.


Conditions 6:  Difficulty staying asleep


It is mostly due to physical weakness, lack of essence, excessive indulgence, nocturnal emission, depletion of kidney yin, hyperactivity of heart fire, it is manifested as restlessness and insomnia.


For these people, it need to start from conditioning the kidneys. Black food can nourish the kidneys, such as black rice, black peanuts, black beans, black sesame, wolfberry, yam, Shouwu, etc. 



Besides, stimulating acupuncture points for insomnia is good way to nourish the kidneys by using moxibustion on such points as Shenshu, Mingmen, Taixi, Shenque, Guanyuan. It could have good results as long as you persist. 


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