Hijama Cupping Therapy? What & How?


What is Hijama? A common question asked by many people that are unaware of this ancient technique that withholds countless benefits.


Hijama(bloodletting) therapy, which is also known as wet cupping, is a historic method of detoxing and rehabilitating the human circulatory system.


As humans we have two different bloods in our body; within our veins we have fresh blood that pumps nutrients, oxygen and many other beneficial sources around our body so that our organs can function efficiently. We also have another type of blood in our body which is known as stagnated blood (toxic blood) which is not flowing around and is full of toxins.



Hijama allows us to eliminate the congested blood by making small incisions and then applying cups to the area and letting the vacuum extract the blood from the body. The blood that has been removed from your body has a distinct appearance as it is a dark jelly-like clot which is clearly unhealthy but once removed it leaves you feeling physically lighter and and instantly healthier as there are no longer toxins in your blood and fresh blood continues to circulate.


Hijama is an ancient treatment method for many illnesses. It is practised even today to remove toxins from the body. From athletes to celebrities, many use this method for its excellent benefits.


9 amazing benefits of Hijama & cupping therapy


(1)  Pain Relief

Every third person complains that they are suffering from pain in various parts of the body. Using cupping therapy is an ideal solution that most of the people go for. The practise of cupping focuses on the soft tissues and apply pressure to the areas of swelling and pain points as well. It helps to draw the good flow of blood and fulfill the requirements of your body tissues and supply proper nutrition and oxygen to them.


It works to ease stiffness, relax tense muscles, and relieves your tissues deep within the body. Cupping therapy produces heat that passes through the injury region, which makes your body healthy and happy.


(2)  Relief from Migraine Headaches

It is not an easy task to deal with chronic migraine headaches. But cupping therapy is favourable in this notorious difficulty. It helps you get rid of migraine headaches and cuts down the factor to an excellent extent that are responsible for this miserable concern. As a result, it relives you over time.


(3)  Improve Skin Health

Cupping therapy is also known to improve ill skin conditions such as diminishes cellulite, mitigates herpes breakouts, prevents skin inflammation, eliminates eczema as well as acne. This practise helps to energize your skin tissues and regulate the flow of blood again in the affected areas by providing nutrients and oxygen as well. As a result, a lot of antibodies are produced in your body that promote healing procedure and supply you a charming and glowing skin.


(4)  Prevent Anti-Aging Effects

Cupping therapy is stunningly favourable in mitigating anti-aging effects such as wrinkles, fine lines, etc. It fulfills the needs of your skin to a great extent by bringing more nutrition to it. It is a natural method that erases wrinkles and fine lines on your skin by lifting motion that comes with suctioning. After this practise of cupping therapy, it relax your tense facial muscles and make you experience younger appearance, soft and glowing skin.

(5)  Soothes Digestive Disorders

It is an old age most popular practice that helps to cure a variety of digestive disorders that involves irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) and promote your healthy digestion. Hijama Cupping therapy is helpful to get rid of constipation and bloating. Its positive effects make your digestive system function normally again. Alternatively, it soothes all the discomfort such as loss of appetite, gastritis, stomach cramps, diarrhea, water retention, a host of gastrointestinal diseases and many more concerns associated to the digestive system.


(6)  Induce inflammation to heal injuries faster

Inflammation is listed in one of the major defense mechanism in your body that helps to heal injury faster. If you are suffering from a muscular injury, cupping helps to flood the injured muscle with blood, nutrients, platelets, and white blood cells to aid in healing.Primarily, it works to bring the blood to the affected parts and consequently, it promotes to create new blood vessels.


A majority of athletes usually go for cupping therapy to experience unique relaxation, helping to cure adhesions and knots and makes your body to recover faster.


(7)  Helps in Detoxification

Most of the time, you experience common concerns such as poor blood circulation. This problem of poor blood circulation leads you build up toxins inside the tissues of your body. You may face a variety of other serious illness that makes you feel discomfort all the time. In such a case, people prefer cupping therapy instead of utilizing medical prescription.


Cupping therapy kicks the stagnation as well as the proper flow of blood flushes toxins out of your body. Alternatively, it cuts down the dead cells and promotes growth of new cells. Thus, cupping therapy makes your body toxins free as it eliminates such unwanted elements naturally. The better idea will be to drink plenty of water just after cupping therapy so that you can have a sound body health far from impurities.


(8)  Provides Relaxation

An enormous number of people are suffering from the sedentary lifestyle around the world. Everybody is busy in their daily schedule and nobody has time to look at their own health condition. They do not have time even to relax their body. This sluggish leads them to have stress, anxiety, chronic depression and a host of health conditions. Thus, people often prefer to have cupping therapy that delivers them wonderful and immense relaxing relief. The soothing nature of cupping therapy removes the pressure from the tense muscles too.


You just need to give at least a half an hour to experience the cupping therapy. It makes you feel comfortable and relaxing by sedating the central nervous system.


(9)  Sooth Common illness

Whenever you get cupping therapy, it stimulates not only your lungs but also other vital organs in your body to erase phlegm. The excess amount of phlegm helps in arousing chronic cough. So, cupping therapy encourages your body to works against cough, the nasty cold and many other allergic symptoms. It helps to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid as well as blood throughout the body that helps to improve your immune system to a great extent.


Why Shanghai Medical Clinic?


Shanghai Medical Clinic is traditional Chinese medical clinic with 25 years history in Dubai, UAE. The clinic offer the best Chinese medical treatment and acupuncture therapy to the local people and communities. You can book an appointment with the best Chinese medical specialists in Dubai by calling: +971 4343 4811 or by online booking through the website.    #TCM #acupuncture #acupuncturedubai #herbalmedicine

Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
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