Acupuncture for Fertility

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been treating fertility for thousands years through acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary therapy, and lifestyle modifications. There is a long tradition of imperial doctors using Chinese herbal medicine to enhance the fertility potential of the emperor and his wife to ensure there was an heir to his throne. Numerous Chinese herbal formulas has been handed down for the treatment of both male and female infertility. TCM for fertility is also being adopted as a complement to IVF and IUI treatments. Acupuncture for fertility is a common TCM modality of improving your chances of conceiving. Whether you are trying to conceive on your own or with the assistance of modern technology, we can help.


Fertility Treatments


Fertility Treatments


What is the Causes of Fertility Issues in Terms of TCM?

In TCM, the kidneys, liver, heart and uterus form the core of reproductive activity and they help regulate the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can increase the chance of getting pregnant by improving the function of these organs, which in turn promotes qi (energy) and blood flow to critical areas of the body. Emotional stress, infection, trauma, poor nutrition and a hectic lifestyle can disturb the supply and flow of blood and qi, which leads to problems such as irregular bleeding and ovulation. Other problems caused by impaired flow of blood and qi include endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), amenorrhea and advanced age.


What Fertility Problems TCM Can Help With?

  • Hormonal and ovulation problems;
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS);
  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR);
  • Premature ovarian failure (POF), or peri-menopause;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Unexplained infertility;
  • Immunologic reaction and recurrent miscarriage;
  • Mechanical infertility - pelvic inflammatory disease and blocked fallopian tubes;
  • Increase libido, and
  • Raise sperm numbers, quality and motility.

How Does Chinese Herb & Acupuncture Boost Fertility? 



Chinese Herbs for Fertility

Traditioal Chinese herb has promoted the use of herbs for health purposes for thousands of years and many of these herbs are believed to significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Try these:


Chasteberry: this herb works to increase fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland, which is responsible for producing sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Dong Quai: this Chinese fertility herb has been long-used to solve menstrual difficulties. It also helps to balance estrogen levels in the body and improve chances of conception.


Acupuncture for Fertility

Chinese medicine doctors believe that there are over 2,000 acupuncture points on the human body connecting with 14 major pathways, called meridians which conduct qi, or energy between the surface of the body and internal organs.


Acupuncture involves thin, disposable sterile needles gently inserted and stimulated at  key energy meridians(acupuncture points for fertility) linked to the reproductive organs, it increase and move the flow of qi from areas where it may be overly abundant to areas that are deficient, thereby increasing a woman’s chance of conceiving.


TCM aims to restore balance to the whole person, it can be used to treat all non-genetic causes of infertility in both men and women - either in conjunction with modern assisted fertility techniques (IVF, IUI) or on its own.


In women, it can help with hormonal and ovulatory problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, partially blocked fallopian tubes, unexplained failure to conceive and repeated miscarriage.

  • TCM can balance the body's yin and yang while regulating qi and blood flows during the menstrual cycle.
  • TCM can improve egg quality and strengthen the lining of the womb, so increasing the chances of successful implantation. This is particularly relevant in older women and most of our female patients are aged between 34 and 44.
  • TCM can reduce levels of circulating FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). 

In men, it can improve sperm count and/or sperm motility.

  • TCM herbs are used to address sperm count, motility and morphology.

  • Acupuncture can support ejaculatory dysfunction, erectile dysfunction and libido.

  • Both acupuncture and herbs are aimed to improve your body constitution and treating other factors that may interfere with conception.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most common causes of female infertility are mainly associated with ovulation and damage to fallopian tubes or uterus.  As a treatment for infertility, acupuncture can increase fertility by reducing stress, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing the endocrine system. Acupuncture, when used in conjunction with Western fertility treatments, increases conception rates by 26%.   

If you are a woman trying to conceive, the most important times to have acupuncture are during the follicular phase, the day of, day before or day after ovulation, and during implantation time. The recommended time to start is at least three months before trying to get pregnant at a frequency of at least once a week. If you are going through an IVF cycle, it’s best if you can start acupuncture 6 to 8 weeks prior to transfer.

For couples who are trying to get pregnant after the age of 40, Chinese herbs combined with acupuncture, Tuina massage, moxibustion, and acupoint application can improve ovarian response, egg quality and pregnancy rate in women with kidney deficiency, and it is safe and has no side effects. Acupuncture can also reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

It takes around 1-3 months for acupuncture to help get pregnant naturally. During acupuncture treatment, you will notice a gradual improvement in your menstrual cycle, for example a reduction in premenstrual cramp and menstrual pain, a better, fuller flow of blood.

Acupuncture is one of the most studied in the complementary and alternative medicine modalities(CAM) for male infertility. It focuses on treating the health of the mind and body as one entity which makes it an effective therapy for those that are diagnosed with psychogenic erectile dysfunction and low fertility potential due to reduced sperm activity. 

Acupuncture can effectively:

  • Increase sperm production
  • Increase the percentage of healthy sperm
  • Improve sperm movement (motility)
  • Improve the levels of hormones responsible for fertility

Chinese herbal medicine(CHM) have been used for more than two thousand years to treat gynaecological disorders including infertility. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that these herbal ingredients can regulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone and ovarian sex hormone levels to induce ovulation and promote blood flow to the ovaries to improve ovarian reserve. TCM is unique as it applies a formula with multiple natural ingredients that are capable of counteracting complex endocrine and reproductive disorders. There are clinical cases presenting a successful live birth with Chinese herbal medicine treatment to a 43-year-old nulliparous woman with DOR and uterus fibroids after failed conception from IVF.

Research have shown that Chinese medicine can significantly improve egg quality and acupuncture can help women conceive through IVF. The curative effect of Chinese medicine on infertilty is shown clearly: it does not damage the righteousness and privde infertile women a hope of getting pregnant by timely conditioning. Moreover, the process of TCM treatment is also the process of body conditioning and restoring healthy. During IVF, TCM can reduce the side effects of drug used in IVF, balance yin and yang, dredge blood, and make pregnancy naturally. For more information, please read the article “Does Acupuncture Improve IVF Success Rate Over 40?”

Unexplained Infertility is when after a series of diagnostic tests—semen quality, ovulation or tubal patency, etc.—and the results are good, you are still unable to get pregnant. This does not mean you won’t conceive. Research has found that many go on to have healthy babies naturally or with the help of fertility treatment. As an intervention, acupuncture is being increasingly used by couples with all types of infertility. It can help to address issues such as Qi flow, blood flow or coldness in the uterus which often affect conception and cannot be detected in lab tests. Furthermore, it also have the potential to increase live birth rates in women with unexplained infertility.

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