Chinese Medicine for (In)fertility: Why & How

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Among the causes of infertility, those undergoing surgery to achieve normal pregnancy and delivery are called “organic infertility”. While Infertility that is not caused by organic diseases can be treated through “conditioning method” on which Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) mainly focus, including abnormal ovulation caused by individual endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation, immune infertility, premature ovarian failure, and poor endometrial receptivity.


In clinical cases, it has been demonstrated that TCM treatment has a significant therapeutic effect on the above diseases. Here are 4 tips to boost  fertility from the perspective of TCM:


  1. Herbal Medicine

Herbal-medicineA unique periodic TCM treatment and dietary guidance will be tailor-made for each individual patients according to different periods.


Traditionally TCM treat infertility based on the principle of “preconditioning its loss”. Before conceiving, it is to regulate menstruation to improve the opportunity of getting pregnant. Depending on diagnosis, you will be prescribed a unique periodic herbal formula which is targeted for female’s different conditions. After pregnancy, it can secure the process of pregnancy, escorting the health and safety of pregnant mothers during the journey.


  1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture-treatmentAcupuncture, as one of the treasures in TCM, has a history of more than 2,000 years. By stimulating acupoints on the meridians of the skin, it can promote blood circulation, improve the ovarian function and endometrial receptivity, so as to get pregnancy eventually. 




  1. Moxibustion

Moxibustion-on-bellyThe reason for women’s infertility is that they are born with a cold constitution due to their greedy for cold drinks and foods. You may try moxibustion if you often feel cold hands and feet, long-term dysmenorrhea, and fear of brewing wind. Through using moxa sticks and velvet as the medium, Moxibustion can transfer heat to the cold body, which significantly warm the meridians and dispel cold, so as to increase your chance of getting pregnant.


  1. Uterine warming pasts

Uterine-Warming-pastsThe therapy of uterine warming paste is, on the base of the principle of hot compress physiotherapy, to apply warming womb past to specific acupoints to warm uterus through the circulation of meridians and the dredging of qi and blood. By doing it, it can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, warm the meridians and relieve pain, dispel dampness and dispel cold, harmonize qi and blood, improve microcirculation, maintain ovaries, and promote uterine contraction. It also can relieve such symptoms as dysmenorrhea, cold womb and irregular menstruation.


Frequently Asked Questions About TCM Therapies for Fertility


  • Can TCM help with getting pregnancy?

In TCM, pre-conception care mainly refers to the treatment of infertility, which its aim is to promote optimal gynaecological health in preparation for pregnancy. It is designed to get a woman’s body in the best possible position to fall pregnant, stay pregnant and nourish a baby for the entire pregnancy and beyond.


Pre-conception care in TCM can help people who have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year but have failed to conceive due to various reasons. Additionally, Chinese medicine can also effectively improve their chances of conception for patients who have not tried to conceive but have problem of reproduction, or patients who have experienced repeated fetal arrest and miscarriage.


  • Chinese medicine focusingon “observation, listening, inquiring and palpation”, why should I take relevant examinations in Pre-conception care? 

Successful conception requires the couple to have healthy reproductive organs, for male such as the sperm activity and motility, for female such as normal ovulation, unobstructed fallopian tubes, and sufficient endometrium, which can be fully evaluated by modern medical examinations.


TCM treatments mainly focus on regulating Qi-blood, balancing yin-yang, meridians and viscera in human body, improve constitution and body functions, and it play a role in preventing and curing diseases. Thus, both Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own strengths. Pre-conception care in TCM is actually a combination of Chinese and Western medicine based on their respective strengths.


  • Can Chinese medicine work during pre-conception care?  

The cause of infertility can be found through relevant examinations of Chinese and Western medicine. Chinese medicine, as alternative therapy, can work in conjunction with each other for treatment. Factors causing infertility include ovarian, fallopian tube, uterine, sperm, immune, etc.  


In recent years, the treatment of infertility with TCM has been widely concerned and recognized internationally. Therefore, according to the specific situation, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine can improve the success rate of conception of patients.


  • What ways does TCM take pre-conceptions care and how long does it take?

In TCM, research show that acupuncture combined with herbal medicine has good effect on pre-conception care. Depending on the specific situation, acupoint catgut embedding (ACE) and TCM external washing can also be used. The recommended period for man infertility is 3-6 months, and 3-6 menstrual cycles for the woman, during which continuous and regular treatment can be important.


  • Does the TCM pre-conceptions care come to the end after a successful pregnancy?

Normally, TCM treatment can be reduced or stopped under the doctor’s guidance upon  confirming pregnant. In particular, miscarriage prevention with TCM can be adopted for patients with a history of repeated miscarriages. Additionally, TCM has a good effect on vomiting, threatened miscarriage, and abnormal fetal position during pregnancy. Furthermore, TCM can effectively improve postpartum pain, milk blockage, and low milk volume.


Visit a TCM Clinic in Dubai Today


Shanghai Medical Clinic has TCM physicians that are committed to helping patients having problem of fertility. We offer a wide range of therapies, including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage and physiotherapy.


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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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