Dubai Acupuncture


Can TCM Acupuncture Heals Bell’s Palsy( Facial) Paralysis ?

Bell’s palsy (Facial paralysis ) is clinically one of a common neurological disease affecting the facial nerves, resulting in weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Acupuncture has a long history of treating facial paralysis. This kind of treatment is simple, effective, and has no side effects.   What is bell’s Palsy?   Bell’s

Can TCM Acupuncture Heals Bell’s Palsy( Facial) Paralysis ? Read More »


Can Acupuncture Increase IVF Success Rates?

Today, women over 40 or women of childbearing age have faced serious fertility issues: they are infertility either, or they had to induce labor due to problems with the fetus, resulting in “stillbirth”, although they got pregnant successfully. Desprise the challenges and difficulties, it is not close to a dead end for pregnancy after the

Can Acupuncture Increase IVF Success Rates? Read More »