Can Winter Disease be Treated in Summer?


What is “Winter disease can be cured in summer”? 


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is saying called “ Winter disease can be cared in summer”(冬病夏治) . That means doing some Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatment in summer, can significantly decrease the incidence and severity of symptoms for the certain diseases in winter.


In long-term Chinese medicine practice, it actually focus on prevention before disease onset, also emphases the relationship/harmony between environment and human. Chinese medicine practitioner will care your heath and treat the conditions by using different method at different season.


From one of the Chinese medical books, Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic,  mentioned the importance of Yin and Yang and how to care Yin and Yang at four seasons.



In the cold winter, the yang energy in the body will hide inside and relatively the ability to defend from pathogenic factors will be weak, and easy to recurrent some diseases. while in the hot summer(“Dog day”), the yang energy is at the maximum level in the body, also working with the warm weather together, will be the good time to help improve the disease-defensive ability and care lots of chronic health conditions.


What diseases can be prevented and treated?


Chinese medicine experts recommend that the following diseases are suitable for prevention and treatment in summer:


  1. Chronic cough, asthma, lung paralysis (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  2. Biyuan, rhinophyma, throat paralysis (allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis).
  3. Children who are weak and prone to colds, recurrent cough and asthma (respiratory tract infection).
  4. Partial osteoarthritis (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis).
  5.  Chronic lower back pain and sciatica, and
  6.  Female fertility (Cold type of uterus and period pain). 

“Winter disease cured in summer” can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine decoction, Chinese medicine ointment, or sticking “San Fu Tie”. The “San Fu Tie” is a topical prescription of traditional medicine which is a convenient way and become more popular.


A safe treatment and disease prevention procedure


At Shanghai Medical Clinic, our chinese medial experts will get the individual consultation with you based on our diagnosis theory, according to your diagnostic pattern, conducting the acupuncture treatment (some specific points on acupuncture channels), cupping and Gua Sha for you; combination with Chinese herbal formula in powder or pills will be also applied in the prevention and treatment.



In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine experts, “Dog days” is a good time for expelling cold, nourishing yang, curing the disease, and preventing disease, although it is exceptionally hot during summer.  If you want to  treat winter disease in sumer and improve your cold and damp constitution, please call us or make an appointment. 

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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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