Currently Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Almost 40% of the population will be diagnosed with some form of cancer at least once in their lives. It touched everyone’s life in some way. We have all lost friends and relatives to this seemingly relentless form of disease. Researchers have worked tirelessly in recent decades to develop life-saving treatments for patients. As alternative therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) greatly attributes to the pains and side-effects that caused by common treatments, which has meaningful for patents on each stage of treatment and recovery.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a broad term that refers to the unchecked growth of abnormal cells in the body. When the body’s mechanisms for getting rid of old cells begin to break down, these damaged cells begin to divide, in some cases forming masses, or tumors. These Tumors can be divided into two categories, benign and malignant. Benign tumors are generally called “tumors”, and malignant tumors are commonly called cancers.
These types of cancer are usually classified by the organs affected by the tumor, including gynecological cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and endometrial cancer, as well as prostate cancer in men, lung cancer, cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, colon, rectal), thyroid, brain, spine, bladder, liver, and kidneys, skin cancers, sarcomas cancers and Hematological cancers including leukemia, lymphomas and multiple myeloma.
Cancer Treatment Options
When a cancerous growth is still localized, surgery and/or radiation treatment can remove or destroy much or all of the abnormal growth. When cancer has advanced to a later stage, and cells have spread through the body, then more systemic treatments are used, such as:
• chemotherapy, which uses cytotoxic drugs to kill tumor cells
• immunotherapy, uses specifically designed synthetic antibodies to boost the body’s immune system.
• targeted therapy seeks to destroy the cancer cells without harming healthy tissues surrounding tumors.
Both chemotherapy and radiation primarily work by killing cancer cells. However, these chemo drugs can’t tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells, they can damage surrounding tissues. Most cancer treatments themselves can cause serious side effects that dramatically impact quality of life.
For years, cancer patients have sought out TCM to help counteract the harsh side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and aggressive surgery. Research supports the use of acupuncture and Tuina massage as a complementary therapy to address the nausea, pain, and emotional toll caused by allopathic treatments.
How TCM help with Tumor?
TCM believes that the cause of cancer is the imbalance of Yin and Yang in the human body. The tissue cells are caused by cell mutations under the long-term action of different carcinogenic factors. It is mainly manifested in the abnormal and excessive proliferation of tissue cells. Cancer tissue is also part of the human body. When the body is balanced and functioning smoothly, the immune system can detect and eliminate pathogens on its own. But when the body is in a state of imbalance, cancer cells will occupy, multiply and grow, and finally erode the surrounding normal tissues, consume a lot of energy and nutrients, affect the body’s normal physiological metabolism, and cause the body to gradually fail.

TCM is based on holistic dialectical theory and combined with acupuncture theory. It not only can alleviate the symptoms caused by the disease itself, but also relieve pain and reduce the side effects of drugs. For cancer support, acupuncture is an alternative method of natural pain relief and does not involve any additional risks. By stimulating specific acupoints, it can solve abnormal cell growth and the side effects of treatment, including neurological diseases, pains, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, fatigue, insomnia, and depression and anxiety.
TCM experts near you for cancer support
TCM is a holistic system of medicine including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, Tuina massage, dietary therapy, and Qigong. Regular acupuncture treatments help balance Qi and maintain good flow between the organ systems of the body. As an alternative therapy, TCM has unique theories of the diagnosis and treatment: “Contactment, timely, evil, follow-up”, the treatment of syndrome differentiation to increase survival and rehabilitation for cancer patients.
SHANGHAI Medical Clinic has as long as 24-year history in Dubai. The Clinic’s acupuncturist specialist with 50 year experiences in acupuncture and Chinese herbal provide both primary and complementary care for cancer patients. Should you need to know more about the clinic, please contact us at (971) 4343 4811 or make a booking on line.
Top 3 Tips for Cancer Prevention
Traditional Chinese Medicine is preventative medicine. It is always best to manage lifestyle for maximum health in order to prevent disease from forming in the first place. Everyone can benefit from healthy habits that reduce these risks. But it is up to each individual to eat in such a way that the cells receive abundant nutrient-rich blood, to avoid toxins whenever possible, and to move the body frequently.
- Green tea contains chemicals called polyphenols(EGCG). These antioxidants inhibit the kind of cell damage that leads to cancer growth. Green tea has less caffeine than coffee or black tea, and can be drunk throughout the day.
- Exercise – Many studies have shown that increased physical activity reduces the risks of specific types of cancer, such as: pancreatic, endometrial, breast, colon cancer, esophageal, kidney, and stomach cancer. Exercise prevents cancerous growth by helping to regulate hormone levels, preventing high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and obesity, and reducing inflammation throughout the body.
- Healthy diet – A well-rounded food program lowers the risk of cancer. Focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Cruciferous vegetables are especially full of nutrients and fiber. Included in this family of vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, and bok choy. Cruciferous vegetables are high potent anti-cancer phytochemicals. Studies have shown that this vegetable group has the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells for tumors in the breast, uterine lining, lung, colon, liver, and cervix.