9 Fruits That Increase Sperm Count and Motility


When it comes to male infertility, the first thing that you come to mind is sexual dysfunction. The best treatment for infertility caused by sexual dysfunction is to improve Erectile Dysfunction(ED). According to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), male sexual dysfunction can be recovered through conditioning, in which the most common is diet therapy. It is called “Fruit therapy” which can restore male sexual function by eating some fruits, so as to solve infertility associated with ED.


Fruits to increase sperm count


Grapes:  Take 250 grams of fresh grapes, peel and mash the cores, add appropriate amount of warm boiled water and drink it once or twice a day for two weeks.

Efficacy: prostatitis and short, red, astringent and painful urination.


Litchi:  Use 15 to 20 litchi cores, smash them and add water to boil them.

Efficacy: testicular swelling and pain.


lotus-seed-flower-leafLotus seeds:  Take 15 grams of fresh lotus seeds (do not peel off the small green bud core in the center of the lotus seeds, add water to boil them. Another ways is to take 10 grams of fresh lotus seeds (with lotus cores) and steam them on the rice. Twice a day for two days.

Efficacy: excessive wet dreams.


papayaPapaya: Use 250 grams of papaya, put sliced piece into 1000 grams of rice wine or low-alcohol liquor, soak it for two weeks. drink 15 milliliters each time, twice a day for two weeks.

Efficacy: kidney deficiency and yang deficiency. premature ejaculation.


Red dates: It is beneficial to the blood and strengthen the spirit. Red dates can promote blood circulation.

Efficacy: premature ejaculation and impotence.


Walnuts: Eat two to four a day, which can strengthen the kidneys and nourish the blood.

Efficacy: kidney stones and urinary tract stones, delay aging.


Kiwi-fruitKiwi fruit: 50 grams of fresh kiwi fruit, smashed and added with 250 ml of warm water (about 1 teacup), mix well.

Efficacy: astringent pain of urination after prostatitis.


MangoMango: Take 10 grams of mango core, smash it into pieces and decoct it in water, take it twice a day for two weeks.

Efficacy: orchitis and testicular swelling and pain


Ginkgo fruit: Take 10 ginkgo nuts, fry them with shells and eat the kernels, take it twice a day for two weeks.

Efficacy: excessive nocturnal emission.


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