How to Relieve Tension in Neck and Shoulders From Anxiety


In modern society, most people have struggled with neck and shoulder pain, which seems to have become a common issue in modern life. From prolonged sitting in front of the computer to lifting heavy objects, the neck and shoulder areas often bear significant pressure. Did you know that, with some simple methods, you can alleviate this pain naturally?


How Traditional Chinese Medicine views neck and shoulder pain


Neck and shoulder pain is considered, from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as a manifestation of issues such as poor circulation of Qi and blood, meridian blockages, and more. The following points are how TCM views the formation of neck and shoulder pain.


  • Stagnation of Qi and blood

TCM practitioners believe that poor circulation of qi and blood can lead to stagnation, resulting in pain. Prolonged poor posture, emotional repression, and other factors can lead to stagnation of qi and blood in the neck and shoulder area, causing a sensation of soreness.


  • Invasion of wind, cold, and damp pathogens

In TCM, wind, cold, and dampness are common pathogenic factors that may invade the neck and shoulder, triggering soreness. These pathogens can block the meridians, affecting the circulation of qi and blood and leading to pain.


  • Organ disharmony

According to TCM theory, neck and shoulder pain may be related to organ disharmony, such as liver stagnation or spleen deficiency. Dysfunction of organs can affect the generation and circulation of qi and blood, thus affecting the health of the neck and shoulder.


  • Insufficient muscle relaxation

TCM emphasizes the connection between the smooth flow of qi and blood and the relaxation of muscles. Prolonged poor posture or excessive use of neck and shoulder muscles can lead to muscle tension, affecting the circulation of qi and blood and causing discomfort.


  • Emotional distress

In TCM, it is believed that emotional factors are closely related to physical health. Prolonged anxiety, anger, and suppression of emotions can affect the circulation of qi and blood, thereby affecting the comfort of the neck and shoulder.


In a word, TCM views neck and shoulder pain as a result of the combined effects of factors such as stagnation of qi and blood, blockage of meridians, and organ disharmony. By adjusting the balance of qi and blood, promoting meridian circulation, and improving organ function, TCM methods can help alleviate neck and shoulder pain. Before seeking TCM treatment, it is advisable to consult a professional doctor for the correct diagnosis and advice.


How TCM can cure neck and shoulder pain


  • Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional TCM therapy that involves inserting fine needles into specific acupuncture points to regulate the flow of qi and blood, promote meridian circulation, and improve neck and shoulder pain. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous and lymphatic systems, relieves muscle tension and promotes the dissipation of inflammation, thus reducing pain and discomfort.



  • Moxibustion

Moxibustion uses the warmth and stimulation of herbal heat by applying it to specific acupuncture points, helping to promote blood circulation, relax muscles, and improve neck and shoulder pain. Moxibustion also warms the meridians and harmonizes qi and blood, thus enhancing overall health.


  • Cupping

Cupping therapy involves creating negative pressure on the skin to promote blood circulation. In the case of neck and shoulder pain, cupping can stimulate the flow of lymph and blood, dissipate stasis and inflammation, and alleviate pain. Cupping also improves local circulation of qi and blood, helping to relieve discomfort in the neck and shoulders.


As the effectiveness of these treatments may vary from person to person, it is best to consult a professional TCM doctor before undergoing any treatment. They can tailor an individualized treatment plan based on your symptoms and constitution to ensure the best therapeutic effect. It’s important to note that these treatments usually require ongoing sessions and cooperation to achieve better results.


TCM tips for preventing neck and shoulder pain


TCM provides useful guidance and methods for preventing and curing neck and shoulder pain. Here are some TCM suggestions aimed at helping you prevent and alleviate this issue:


Maintain Proper Posture: Avoid prolonged periods of tilting the head up or down, and maintain a natural sitting and standing posture.


Take Regular Breaks: After extended use of computers or smartphones, take breaks for your eyes and neck to avoid overexertion.


Exercise Regularly: Engage in moderate neck and shoulder stretching exercises to maintain muscle flexibility and blood circulation.


Stay Warm: Avoid prolonged exposure of the neck and shoulders to cold weather; consider wearing scarves in cold weather.


Temporary relief movements for lower back pain


Here are some simple self-relief movements you can try when seeking medical attention is not convenient. They can help relieve discomfort temporarily.


  • Neck Rotation

Neck RotationGently rotate the neck clockwise and counterclockwise a few times. Ensure the movements are slow and gentle, avoiding excessive force.





Shoulder Lifts

  • Shoulder Lifts

Lift the shoulders up, hold for a moment, and then slowly lower them. Repeat several times to help alleviate tension in the neck and shoulders.



Neck Tilt

  • Neck Tilt

Gently tilt the head to one side, feeling the stretch in the neck. Then tilt to the other side. Be cautious not to exert excessive force and maintain a gentle stretch.


  • Acupressure point

Use your fingers to gently press on acupuncture points in the neck and shoulder area, such as Fengchi (Wind Pool) and Jianjing (Shoulder Well). Apply moderate pressure to help relieve local discomfort.


These movements are temporary relief methods, and if neck and shoulder pain persists, it is advisable to consult a professional TCM doctor for more targeted treatment advice and methods. Under the guidance of TCM, a tailored regimen based on individual conditions may be more effective in relieving neck and shoulder pain.


Seeking long-term neck and shoulder pain relief? Visit our Chinese Medicine clinic in Dubai today to find out more.

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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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