Treatment of Eczema in Spring with Chinese Medicine


Spring can be a season of challenging of various skin issues, and “Eczema” is one of them. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) believes that eczema is caused by dampness and heat resistance to the skin. Having too much spicy food or unhealthy diet may lead to the accumulation of dampness and heat and damage the skin. In TCM, the rules of eczema treatment include removing wind, clearing heat and dampness, nourishing blood, expelling wind and moistening dryness. Aiming at eczema in spring, what TCM should do with eczema?


Q: What is seasonal eczema? what is the difference between ordinary and seasonal eczema?


A: This is because that the skin needs to be adapted to weather changes in temperature and humidity due to seasonal changes. If the skin cannot adapt smoothly, the seasonal eczema is induced by sensitive skin, high-pressure work, insufficient rest, or contacting allergen such as dust mites, certain types of clothing, metal, plastic, animal hair and other factors, leading to such symptoms as itching, rash, dryness, dedivilation, and even skin inflammation and exudate.


Seasonal eczema can affect anyone at any age, especially children and the elderly. As the baby’s skin is highly delicate , while the elderly skin has less oil secretion and is often dry, both skin are vulnerable to outside attacks, so they are more prone to eczema.


Q: Generally western medicine treatment involves the anti-allergic drugs and topical steroid ointment. How does TCM treat it?






A: Chinese medicine believes that the lungs, as auxiliary organ to the heart, helps to regulate circulations of blood and Qi. In addition, the lung governs the skin and hair, and the spleen governs the muscles. When both functions normally, the skin, hair, and muscles will be nourished and work well.


In TCM, the two organs are responsible for the metabolism of water. Therefore, the function of the lung and spleen is out of balance, and the skin, hair, and muscles cannot smoothly transition to the climate change. They cannot function normally without sufficient nourishment, and the water metabolism is also abnormal, which eventually causes such symptoms as itching, rash, dryness, desquamation, and even skin inflammation and exudate.


From the perspective of TCM, the treatment of seasonal eczema is to invigorate the lungs and strengthen the spleen starting from the root, combined with the method of clearing heat and cooling blood, dispelling wind and relieving itching. It can ensure that the curative effect on symptoms like skin inflammation and itching can stay stable and avoid recurrences by the use of oral herbal medicine formulation, external washing with herbs or acupuncture. Here is an article regarding “Is Acupuncture Effective for Eczema?“.  


Q:  Can you provide a dietary suitable for patients with seasonal eczema?


A:  [Pseudostellariae Radix and Huaishan Lean Meat Soup]

The ingredients include 20 grams of Radix Pseudostellariae, 24 grams of Chinese Yam, 15 grams each of raw and cooked barley, 12 grams of Gorgon fruit, and 10 taels of lean meat. Put all the medicinal materials into the pot, add water (the ratio of medicinal materials to water is 1:3), boil the lean meat, put it into the pot, first boil on high heat, then turn to medium heat for 30 minutes, and finally turn to low heat Simmer for about 90 minutes.


The soup is suitable for those over 3 years old, who are not allergic to the above ingredients and who do not have a cold. Please consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before drinking.


Q:  Is there anything I need to pay attention to?


A:  Avoid using moisturizers with allergic ingredients and scratching the skin. Taking shower with warm water. Reduce intake of caffeinated foods and drinks, such as coffee, strong tea, and cola. Avoid spicy and MSG-heavy food. Go to bed and get up early.


TCM tips for moisturizing skin and relieving itching 






  1.  Keeping skin moisturized

The skin of patients with eczema cannot secrete oil and sweat normally due to inflammatory skin lesions, so the skin will be drier than ordinary people, and it is more prone to dryness and cracking. Use a moisturizing moisturizer properly to keep the skin moisturized.


  1.  Avoiding too hot water

Many patients with eczema at early stage believe that the itchy can be relieved by washing with hot water when bathing. However, doing so has many disadvantages. Due to the inflammatory reaction, the skin on the itchy area is less sensitive to temperature. When washing with hot water, it is easy to be scalded by hot water without knowing it, and the scald further triggers the repair mechanism of the immune system, which in turn further releases the originally hyperinflammatory factors. The inflammatory response is more intense and more itchy. Moreover, bathing in too hot water can make the skin lose oil and moisture, leading to the dried and cracked skin.


If the skin is itchy, it is recommended to rinse with room temperature water to distract attention. Be careful not to rinse too hard to avoid further damage to the skin. Also avoid using super-cooled ice water for washing to avoid frostbite on the skin. It may aggravate the itchiness when the skin returns to normal temperature after rinsing with ice water.


  1.  Regular exercise

Moderate exercise can make the skin sweat slightly, which help improve circulation and accelerate skin repair. It is noted that the amount of exercise should not be too much, and it is better to sweat slightly. After exercising, it is necessary to take shower and change clothes in time to avoid sweating from wet clothes.


  1.  Acupressure

When eczema breaks out, massaging some acupoint can relieve scars and soothe allergy. It is not advisable to perform acupoint massage if there was skin damage near the acupoint.


Itchy on upper body:


  • Dagukong(EX-UE5)


Flex one’s thumb; at the midpoint of stria of dorsal articulationes interphalangeae manu

Function: Regulate the functions of the stomach(vomiting and diarrhea), eye diseases, generalized itching of the whole body.

Operation: When the itching is obvious, use this point as the starting point, press again, and do one-way heavy scraping towards the arm, taking the soreness as the degree, and scrape 15-20 times.


  • Quchi point

Location: At the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease midway between LU 5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Function: Dispel pathogenic heat, sharpen joints, dispel rheumatism, regulate qi and blood.

Operation: When the itching is obvious, press the acupuncture point for about 3 minutes depending on the degree of soreness.


itchy on lower body:


  • Baichongwo (Hundred Insect Burrow)

Location: When the knee is flexed, the point is on the medial aspect of the thigh, 3 cun superior to the medial end of the patella, 1 cun superior to SP 10.

Function: Treat skin itching, urticaria.

Operation: When the itching is obvious, press the acupuncture point for about 3 minutes depending on the degree of soreness.

(This point is easy to diagnose eczema, most patients with eczema have obvious tenderness at this point).


  • Sanyinjiao point

Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun above the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia.

Functions: Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness, harmonizes the Liver, strengthens the Kidneys, nourishes Blood and Yin, regulates menstruation, cools and invigorates the Blood, benefits urination, calms the Shen.

Operation: When the itching is obvious, press the acupuncture point for about 3 minutes depending on the degree of soreness.


Combat Eczema Today


TCM for eczema is an all-natural approach that can work with Western medicine. Although eczema is not a condition one can easily heal from and takes time and effort, active and effective management will help relieve itching, manage symptoms and prevent frequent recurrence.


At Shanghai Medical Clinic, our team of physicians is dedicated to helping eczema sufferers by tailored-made treatment plan that comprises acupuncture, acupressure and herbal medication, further supported by positive dietary and lifestyle routines.


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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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