Naturally Boosting Fertility with the Five Elements


The Five Elements Theory – comprising Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, is one of important philosophy in ancient China. It is often used to describe interactions and relationships between the different elements in nature and the life force, also known as Qi, that flows through them. This unique philosophy is not just applied to feng shui and fortune telling, but also to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


The Five Elements Theory is widely used in TCM, ranging from the clarification of the body structure, physiological functions and pathological changes of the body, to the diagnose and treatment of diseases. According to TCM, “Sheng Zhang Hua Shou Cang 生长化收藏” is the core idea of “the Five Elements Theory”, and it believe that everything in nature has the law of the idea, and the body is a whole system centered on the five internal organs, and each element with close relation to different organ networks including fertility.





The Five Elements Theory permeating in the process of IVF


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology(ART), including pituitary downregulation, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(induction of ovulation), oocyte retrieval, fertilization(embryo culture and transfer), and luteal-phase support. Aimed at characteristics of process of IVF, TCM adopts the triple treatments of combining herbal medicine, diet therapy, and auricular acupuncture, according to the Theory.


The period of pituitary downregulation focuses on “Storage” and resting the nest. The early period of ovulation stimulation aims at “Production” which help eggs grow and develop follicles, and the later is “Growth” which warm the nest and consolidate follicle; the period of embryo transfer focuses on “Fertilization”,which cultivate soil and membranes. The last period focuses on “Harvest”, which is to strengthen and protect the fetus.


  • The period of pituitary downregulation focus on “Storage”, attending the nest and taking good rest in responding to the atmosphere in winter.

Similar to flowers and trees, follicles have the law of periodic growth and decline. In winter, everything hides and Yang Qi in nature is stored, which is highly conducive to the storage of Yang Qi and kidney essence. During the process of IVF, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists is used to intervene in the pituitary function in the period, so that the ovaries are in a dormant state by corresponding to the winter.


TCM, as an alternative therapy, suggest to rest quietly for preventing kidney essence from leaking out. The focus of the period is on “storage”, and the kidney is the foundation of storage, which has the functions of storing essence and in charge of growth, development and reproduction. Its essence is to store “essence” and lay a solid foundation for the growth and development of ovarian follicle in the next cycle.


Herbal medicine: vinegar tortoiseshell, dodder, rehmannia glutinosa, cornus, yam, astragalus, fried white peony root, dendrobium, Fushen, fried jujube seed, mother of pearl, kudzu root, Daidaihua, licorice, etc.

Dietary therapy: mulberry, black wolfberry, black beans, black sesame, black dates and other dark things.

Acupoints: Chongren, endocrine, Shenmen, subcortical.Acupuncture-Needles-stomach

Efficacy: The prescription is mainly based on storage and nourishment, nourishing the kidney and storing essence, allowing the ovaries to rest naturally, and improving insomnia, hot flashes, chest distress, night sweats caused during the period.

Acupuncture can strengthen the egg-restoring bubble, nourish the heart and calm the nerves.



  • The period of induction of ovulation focus on production, helping eggs develop ovarian follicle in responding to the atmosphere in spring.

The principle of induction of ovulation in the early stage is “production”, which means everything return to life and grow in the spring. During this time, the main things is to promote the growth of ovarian follicle. The production and development of ovarian follicle not only requires the transpiration and gasification of innate kidney essence to promote more follicular germination, but also requires a large amount of water and grain essence to supplement and cultivate transported by the spleen and stomach, so that the follicular fluid can grow and fill in a short time, and the shape of the follicles is full. In the period, it is advisable to invigorate the kidney and spleen, increase follicles and help eggs, so as to recruit more antral follicles and provide the subtle substances needed for follicle growth and development.


Herbal medicine: Rehmannia glutinosa, Rehmannia glutinosa, Mulberry, Raspberry, Dodder, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta chinensis, Lycium barbarum, Chinese yam, Polygonatum, Codonopsis, Dendrobium, Adenophora, Rhizoma Cyperus, etc.

Dietary therapy: sealwort, dendrobium, yam, raspberry, medlar, notoginseng flower, squab.

Efficacy: To develop bubbles by nourishing the kidney essence, the spleen and stomach, accompanying with foods with supplement and reconciliation of the liver and blood, so that the kidney essence is sufficient, the qi and blood are vigorous, and it can protect the ovaries, increase egg fluid, and help eggs grow.

Auricular points: kidney, spleen, ovary, internal genitalia, liver, heart, pelvic cavity.

Acupuncture can strengthen the kidney and spleen, warming the nest and increasing the liquid, moistening and nourishing the essence and blood, regulating the liver and wood, and communicating with the heart and kidney. Acupuncture for fertility can be very help as it balance the Ying and Yang of kidney. 


  • The later stage of induction of ovulation focus on growth, warming the nest and adjusting the bubble in responding to the atmosphere in summer.

In the later stage of induction of ovulation, it is mainly based on “growth”. Summer is the season with the most vigorous yang qi in a year. Thus, it is necessary to have herbs tonifying yang in this period to stimulate yang qi, which can promote the development and maturation of ovulation follicles. In this stage, the qi and blood activity is active in the dense form with trend of rising. Not only does it need qi and blood activity when the egg is discharged from the surface of the ovary, but it still needs it after the egg is discharged, so that the embryo can be implanted in the uterus. The qi and blood activity in the uterus and Chong and conception vessels is of great significance to pregnancy. Apart from warming the nest, it is needed to have herbs for promoting circulation of blood and qi, so as to promote its activities and ovulation.


Herbal medicine: antler cream, Rehmannia glutinosa, Cuscuta, Dipsacus, Angelica, fried peony root, Chinese yam, roses, Mildew Spatholobus, snow lotus, Panax notoginseng, Cyperus cyperi, etc.

Dietary therapy: rehmannia glutinosa, cistanche, medlar, longan meat, angelica, hawthorn, rose, ginseng flower, quail.

Efficacy: To tonify kidney yang, benefit essence and blood, promote the exuberance of Tiangui, increase follicular fluid in a very short period of time, make follicles full, especially promote follicle maturation before ovulation.

Auricular points: adrenal gland, subcortex, spleen, liver, pelvic cavity.

Acupuncture can tonify the kidney and adjust the blood to promote the blood of the uterine veins.


  • Transplantation period focus on transformation, cultivating the fertility soil in responding to the atmosphere in summer.

The transplantation period is dominated by “transformation”, which corresponds to the long summer, a season of breeding all things. For the body, it is the process of fertilization and implantation of eggs and sperm. Fertilized egg planted in the uterus is just like the seeds in the soil, experiencing the process of germination, sprout, blossom and bear fruit. At this stage, attention should be paid to cultivating the soil and nourishing the fetus.


The spleen in the five elements belong to the soil, which has the properties of biochemical, carrying, and receiving, and can transform all things, and is the foundation for all things to take root. When conception, the kidney performs its function of strengthening, tying and nourishing the embryo which relay on the mother’s kidney qi to stabilize its growth and development. Therefore, in this period, emphasis is placed on invigorating the spleen, cultivating the soil, and strengthening the tires by nourishing the kidney.



Herbal medicine: Radix Pseudostellariae, Atractylodes macrocephala, Astragalus, lotus seeds, yam, dodder, ramie root, cornus, mulberry, Dipsacus, perilla stalk, tangerine peel, fried white peony root, kudzu root, roasted licorice, etc.

Dietary therapy: Codonopsis pilosula, yam, lotus seeds, perilla leaves, Panax notoginseng, carp.

Efficacy: The embryo is protected as firm as a rock of Mount Tai, rooted in the uterus, without the risk of tire movement or slippage.


  • Pregnancy period focus on harvest, strengthening and protecting the fetus in responding to the atmosphere in autumn.

The pregnancy period is mainly based on “harvest”, which corresponds to autumn, the season heralds a good harvest when all things begin to converge and mature, bloom and bear fruits. The period centers on “stabilizing the fetal energy, invigorating the kidney and strengthening the fetus”. The kidney is responsible for strengthening the fetus. At the same time, the development of the fetus needs to be nourished by the water and grain essence transported by the spleen and stomach, and the fetal gas needs to be tempered by the spleen Qi to be more stable. Therefore, it mainly nourishes the kidney and strengthens the fetus, and also strengthens the spleen to protect the fetus.


Herbal medicine: Cuscuta, Dipsacus, Sangji, Eucommia, Morinda officinalis, cornus, yam, astragalus, Atractylodes macrocephala, licorice, Amomum, in the prescription, Cuscuta, Dipsacus, Eucommia, Sangji, Morinda officinalis, cornus , yam, etc.

Dietary therapy: yam, sealwort, medlar, ramie root, jujube, donkey-hide gelatin.

Efficacy: Strengthening the kidney and preventing the fetus, strengthening the fetus, and helping the fetus to grow.


Visit a TCM Clinic in Dubai for fertility issues


“Sheng Zhang Hua Shou Cang”is an unchangeable law of all things in nature. In the process of TCM assisted in IVF, the concept of “Five Elements Theory” runs through the whole process of growth and development of follicle, fertilization and implantation. 


Shanghai Medical Clinic is a TCM clinic in Dubai with a team of professional doctors dedicated to helping patients achieve their fertility goals. We formulate treatment plans tailored to your constitution and elements, including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and acupressure. For fertility questions, please feel free to contact us at +971 4343 4811 or make an appointment online.

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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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