Can Acupuncture Boost Fertility Success Rates?


In modern society, late marriage become a common phenomenon, the problem infertility is expected to increase in the future. More and more people resort to Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) for fertility. According to statistics, about every 6 to 7 couples are facing problems in having a baby.


In addition to age, gynecological diseases such as menstrual disorders, premature ovarian failure, and polycystic ovary disease can also cause infertility. Aiming at gynecological problems, Chinese medicine can help effectively improve the chance of conception and comprehensively body condition by combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine.


Acupuncture can regulate qi and blood and make pregnancy easier


Acupuncture can effectively treat various gynecological diseases, including menstrual disorders and infertility. It has the functions of dredging the meridians and regulating the viscera and qi and blood. What’s more, it not only can enhance the body’s regulation ability, but also promote pelvic qi and blood to improve ovarian function and increase the pregnancy rate. The studies have showed that acupuncture can help increase progesterone levels, stimulate ovulation, increase endometrial thickness, and greatly increase pregnancy rates.


TCM fertility conditioning before pregnancy mainly focuses on the improvement of transformation between Yin and Yang, and dredging the qi and blood of the chongren channel and the uterus. According to individual physique and menstrual cycle, Chinese physician, in addition to the use of herbal medicine for warming the palace and norishing eggs, can also simultaneously perform acupuncture which can more effectively strengthen ovarian function and promote ovulation, and provide favorable conditions for the implantation of fertilized eggs. TCM categorizes pregnancy into four stages of conditioning. Each has its own set of symptoms and requirements.


  • The menstrual period is the transformation period of Chongyang, during which the emphasis is on smooth excretion of menstruation. These herbal medicine that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis is recommended, including red peony root, wulingzhi, hawthorn, motherwort, etc.; it paired with acupuncture treatment, applying the needle to the acupoint on the lower abdomen and waist such as acupoint Qihai, Guanyuan, Ciliao, Xuehai, etc., which can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation.
  • The postmenstrual period is the growth period of yin points, and its focus is on the recovery of yin points, which can nourish the liver and kidney. In terms of internal adjustment, Chinese physician often prescribes such herbal medicine as rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, ginseng, wolfberry, and ground bone skin, which can achieve the effects of nourishing blood, nourishing qi, and nourishing yin. It paired with acupuncture, applying the needle to such acupoints as Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, which can nourish qi and blood.
  • The intermenstrual period is the transformation period of heavy yin, during which ovulation can be achieved by nourishing the kidney and activating blood circulation. For the purpose, these herbal medicine scuh as Rehmannia glutinosa, yam, deer horn gum, safflower, hawthorn, etc. are mostly used to invigorate the kidney and yang, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and promote ovulation. Acupuncture is applied to these acupoints such as Hegu and Taichong, which can dredge the meridians and blood.
  • The premenstrual period is the growth period of Yang Qi, during which herbal medicine such as rehmannia glutinosa, dodder seed, and Eucommia ulmoides are mostly used to warm the kidney and the palace. Acupuncture is applied to such acupoints as Shenshu, Yingu, and Guanyuan.

Acupuncture can boost fertility


In addition to regulating the fertility constitution, acupuncture is also widely used for female infertile. According to research, it can improve the stability of endocrine and the function of pituitary-gonadal axis. Modern medical research believes that acupuncture can activate the dopamine system in the brain, adjust the functions of the brain-pituitary gland-ovary, and restore the reproductive endocrine to a normal physiological state. Furthermore, subfertility couples are encouraged to try combined acupuncture to help with pregnancy when they seek western medicine for infertility treatment.


In the treatment of infertility in TCM, the syndromes will be classified, according to the symptoms and constitution of the patients, into kidney qi deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, liver qi stagnation, phlegm-damp stasis and uterine stasis. Aiming to the above syndromes, acupuncture have a significant effect on the above syndromes, it can help restore the normal physiological functions of ovaries and uterus.


The acupoints selected are mainly focusing on the Ren Meridian and the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, including Qihai, Guanyuan, and Zhongji. It has good effect on reinforeing the vital essence and strengthening the Primordial Qi. In combine with the acupoints uterus, Sanyinjiao, Zusanli, and Shenshu, it can treat infertility due to kidney deficiency. The Xuehai acupoint is the source of the foot-taiyin pulse and the place where the body’s qi and blood gather, acupuncture at Xuehai acupoint can activate qi and blood and remove blood stasis, and relieve menstruation.






For infertility caused by stagnation of liver qi, Performing acupuncture at acupoints Neiguan, Shenmen, Yanglingquan, and Taichong can relieve heart fire, soothe the nerves and the liver and regulate qi.


For infertility caused by phlegm-damp stagnation, performing acupuncture at acupoints Fenglong can harmonize the stomach, invigorate the spleen, reduce phlegm and dampness.


For infertility caused by internal damp-heat syndrome, performing acupuncture at acupoints Yinlingquan and Neiting can invigorate the spleen, clear away heat and dampness.


Acupuncture is safer and more effective in treating infertile couples


From the perspective of Chinese medicine, acupuncture are equally effective in treating infertility in women or men. For women, it can effectively regulate the endocrine system, promote blood circulation in the uterus, and increase the pregnancy rate. For men, it can increase sperm count and improve sperm motility. In addition, for some patients who are not suitable for supplementing with herbal medicine tonic due to poor physical constitution, acupuncture can play a great role in assisting pregnancy.


TCM Infertility treatment


Cases 1

Ms. Li, 45 years old


The patient was married late and she was still not pregnant without using contraception in 2 years. Then, the couple went to hospital for an examination, and the results showed that her uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes were functioning properly and the semen test of her husband was normal too. There were some problem although the result was normal, she had less menstrual flow, dark red color, chills, backache, and sleepiness. When seeking for Chinese medicine, she was diagnosed with kidney yang deficiency. After 3 months of treatment with Chinese medicine and acupuncture, she became pregnant naturally.  In May 2022, her child was born smoothly.


Cases 2

Miss Lu, 33 years old


The patient did not use contraception for 2 years after marriage, but she was still not pregnant. She had failed 3 times of IVF, and then sought medical treatment from Chinese medicine. Due to high work pressure, the patient often feels irritable and anxious, accompanied by flushing, bloating and belching. Diagnosed by traditional Chinese medicine, it was found that the infertility was of kidney yin deficiency and liver depression type. Acupuncture and medicine were used for symptomatic treatment. After half a year of treatment, the patient underwent IVF and finally succeeded. She gave birth naturally in 2000.

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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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