5 Common Misconceptions About Traditional Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has a history of over 2,000 years, with which it has formed a unique system to diagnose and cure illness. Despite its increasing recognition as an alternative treatment method, there are still many misunderstandings surrounding the practice due to preconceived notions. We will clarify common misconceptions about TCM to help you make a more informed decision when considering TCM as an alternative way of treatments.





Misconception 1:  TCM is unregulated


This is one of the most common misconceptions about TCM. In fact, Shanghai Medical Clinic is regulated by the Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) committee, a statutory body under the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). The committee mandates that TCM practitioners must undergo a 5-year full-time course to earn a Bachelor of Medicine degree and pass the UAE TCM Practitioners Registration Exam before they are eligible for official registration.


Misconception 2:  TCM just only involves acupuncture or herbs


TCM is focused on a holistic approach to the treatment of a patient. One of the most well-known aspects of TCM is the use of acupuncture and herbs to address health issue. However, TCM encompasses much more than acupuncture and herbal treatments. Other treatment modalities in TCM include tuina massage, cupping, lifestyle changes, exercise, and observing a healthy balanced diet. A combination of these treatment methods may be prescribed depending on the individual’s condition. Other therapies are distinctive TCM treatments, each with its unique attributes. Here are some other treatment methods that frequently used in TCM except of acupuncture and herbal medicine:


  • Cupping

cuppingUsing heated glass or plastic cups to create suction on the body, helps to relieve pain and inflammation and promote blood circulation.







  • Moxibustion

moxibustionBurning dried mugwort on specific parts of the body to alleviate pain caused by injuries, arthritis, or even digestive issues.






  • Tui Na Massage

deep-tissue-massage-for-a-ladyA massage technique that applies pressure to acupoints along the meridians to balance yin and yang and regulate internal organ functions.








Misconception 3:  TCM is less effective than Western medicine


TCM and Western medicine are two different medical systems, each with its unique strengths and limitations. In many cases, TCM and Western medicine can complement each other to enhance treatment outcomes.


TCM adopts a more holistic approach, helping the body recover through natural therapies, which is one of its main principles, whereas Western medicine employs more direct methods. For example, when you visit a TCM clinic, your doctor may recommend several treatments, such as acupuncture combined with herbal medicine, which not only helps treat the condition but also promotes overall health.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so whether it is TCM or Western medicine, it ultimately depends on each person’s condition to find the method that works best for them.


Misconception 4:  TCM is only for chronic diseases


Many people believe that TCM is slow-acting and only suitable for treating chronic diseases. This is a misunderstanding. TCM can be very effective in treating many conditions quickly, such as reducing fever, relieving pain, stopping asthma, and stopping diarrhea. If the medication is appropriately matched to the condition, it can produce immediate results. In clinics that treat insomnia, many patients with chronic insomnia can sleep peacefully the same night after an accurate diagnosis and appropriate medication, with results comparable to Western sedatives.


Misconception 5:  Acupuncture is painful 


Acupuncture has become a popular TCM treatment due to its benefits, but many people hesitate to try it because they think it is painful. On the contrary, although needles are inserted, acupuncture is usually painless. Even if you feel pain, it is very mild.


Besides pain, acupuncture may cause sensations such as dull aching or tingling. This indicates that the treatment is working, as it shows that the energy at specific acupoints has been activated.


However, it is important to note that everyone’s pain tolerance is different. If you feel any discomfort during the treatment, inform your doctor.


If you consider visiting a TCM clinic in Dubai for acupuncture or other TCM treatments, Shanghai Medical Clinic is your best option. The clinic’s TCM physician has over 30 years of experience in providing personalized TCM treatments, which will offer you and your family steady and consistent health care. Please contact us to learn more about our services.

Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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