2 Natural Ways For Nausea: Acupressure & Chinese herbs


Nausea and vomiting may be caused by many reasons. There are some “Simple and cheap” Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) tips for relieving nausea, vomiting, or persistent retching. It include dietary conditioning, medicated diets or TCM treatment, acupuncture therapy and acupressure point massage(Tuina). These methods are good for dealing with nausea and vomiting.


If you are pregnant, below you will find 2 natural ways(acupuncture pints and Chinese medicine diet)that will help make your pregnancy a little more enjoyable especially when you suffering from fatigue, nausea, beartburn, hemorrhoids, constipation and low back pain.


1. Acupressure points


  • Neiguan acupoint

It is the main acupoints that is preferred for nausea and vomiting. Massaging the point is helpful with vomiting and fullness of the abdoment. This point is just above the wrist, about the width of your 2 fingers in the center on the palmer side of the forearm.



The point has many functions, scuh as opening the orifices, calming the nerves, regulating the qi in the stomach, lowering the negative pressure and relieving vomiting. It can also assist with insomnia, poor menory(preggobrain), apprehension, fear, migraine,stomachache and vomiting.


It can also has good effect on nervous vomiting or nausea caused by surgical anesthesia or motion sickness. It can also offer relief from carpal tunnel pain associated with pregnancy.


The best way to experience relief using acuprssure is to locate the point and make circular motions into the point until it starts to feel heavy, sore or distended.


  • Rubbing Renmai Meridian

renmai-pointThe practices:  Use the palm of your hand to rub from the Tanzhong point (in the middle of the two breasts) to the navel, repeat 5 to 7 times from top to bottom, and take the skin fever as the degree. It can treat gastrointestinal diseases such as vomiting and abdominal pain.


  • Pushing the Bladder Meridian

The practices:  Push the palm of your hand from Feishu Point (1.5 cun below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra next to the Governor Vessel) to Weishu Point (1.5 cun below the Spinal Process of the 12th thoracic vertebra next to the Du Vessel), from the top Rub down and left and right each 5 to 7 times, taking the skin heat as the degree.


  • Massaging Zhongwan and Tianshu Pointspangguang-point

The practices: Zhongwan and Tianshu points are commonly used acupoints for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Zhongwan acupoint is located in the upper abdomen and is the acupoint of the Ren meridian.


It is the midpoint of the line connecting the lower end of the sternum and the navel. Tianshu acupoint belongs to the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming and is located in the abdomen, horizontally and flat to the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. During massage treatment, use the palm or thumb to massage Zhongwan and Tianshu points for 2 minutes each.


2. Chinese medicine diety for vomiting


  • 5 slices of ginger, 20 ml of vinegar, 50 grams of brown sugar, brew with boiling water for 15 minutes, and drink in several times.
  • Make the juice of radish leaves and take it with boiling water or add brown sugar water.
  • 1 small cup of sugarcane juice, 1 tablespoon of ginger juice, mix well, warm and drink, 2 times a day.
  • 1 to 2 persimmon cakes, mashed into mud, 15 grams each time, taken with boiling water, or steamed for several days.

3. A Chinese herb for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy


ginger-for-nausea and-vomiting-of-pregnancy

Morning sickness(nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, NVP) is a common cause of vomiting. For relatively mild gestational vomiting, appropriate diet and lifestyle adjustments can be used to alleviate the symptoms.


The pregnant women should eat less foods with strong smells that is helpful to avoid vomiting, eat more light and high-protein foods, eat less frequently and drink more water between meals, and avoid spicy and greasy foods. This multi-pronged approach can effectively relieve morning sickness.


Ginger, as an essential Chinese hrebal medicine commonly used to stop nausea and vomiting, is also safe and effective for the treatment of morning sickness. When morning sickness occurs, it is good for pregnant women to take ginger slices or drink ginger tea regularlly. 


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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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